ReproActive Kelly Angus - More Calves, More Often



ReproActive Kelly Angus is a week away! Don't forget to register for this excellent beef focussed event so we can make sure we have enough materials and catering for everyone.

If you have any issues please contact one of the people at the bottom of the email.




Lifting breeding herd fertility, efficiency and performance is a major profit driver in a beef enterprise with major flow on benefits for calf and weaner management.

Please join us at Kelly Angus in conjunction with Dr Anna Manning (Delatite Veterinary Services), and Zoetis Australia as we present this ReproActive workshop.


What is ReproActive?

Developed by Australia’s leading vets, cattle specialists and rural business experts, ReproActive is a specialised training workshop series designed to help maximise the reproductive potential of herds. Each module will provide a wealth of knowledge to producers, resellers and veterinarians.

This workshop is beef production focused, highly-practical and interactive with modules covering:

  • The significance and assessment of Critical Mating Weights
  • How to plan and achieve shorter Joining Periods and
  • The implications of Condition Scoring and the best corrective action to take
  • Bull Management and Assessment for reproductive success
  • Developing genomic technologies available for beef production systems
  • Application and integration of genomic tools to enhance selection decisions

Leaving you equipped with the knowledge to better understand and improve your:

  • Management of heifers to meet growth targets for a successful initial joining and subsequent joinings
  • Fertility, conception and calving rates across the breeder herd by understanding limitations and mitigating against production and disease risks
  • Ability to effectively respond to challenging situations, and ultimately enhance the,
  • Productivity and profitability of your herd
  • Grasp of genomic tools and application and the impact on EBVs and relevance to both seedstock and commercial enterprises
  • Ability to utilise genomics on farm to meet your breeding objective to match your target markets



  1. Keys to successful AI programs from conception to calving, and the power of genetic choice
  2. Genomic testing in beef cattle - what is it, how does it work and what does it mean for stud and commercial beef producers?
  3. Optimising Joining Periods for breeder herd efficiency and profitability
  4. Bull Management and Health to extend bull working life and effectiveness (including practical demonstration of a veterinary pre-joining check)
  5. A ‘hands on’ demonstration of Condition Scoring and it's use as a decision making tool in your enterprise.
  6. The importance of Critical Mating Weights in laying the foundations for lifelong heifer reproductive performance
  7. Managing Pestivirus - implementing annual screening and management programs to protect your herd
  8. Managing Bovine Respiratory Disease through the vaccination and management tools available


Practical sessions will also take place in the yards including:

  • Dr Anna Manning - pre-joining bull inspections and management
  • Patrick Joyce & Jake Bourne - utilising genomics as an assessment and selection tool


Workshop Contacts & Information


The workshop will open at 8:30am for a 9:00am start. Please aim to be at Kelly Angus by 8:30am.

Click here to register 


This event is proudly supported by Kelly Angus, who will be hosting as well as supplying cattle for the bull management and condition scoring practical sessions.

For registration, more information regarding the workshop, information on our speakers please click on the ‘Attend Event’button above. If you are having difficulties with registration please contact:


We hope to see you there!



Pat Joyce (Kelly Angus) & Anna Manning (Delatite Vet Services)